Stock item "GO_BACK"

I'm building a gtkmm dialog which uses the following line of code to add a button (where 'back_button' is of type Gtk::Button*):-

        back_button = add_button (Stock::GO_BACK, RESPONSE_NO);

When the specified button is 'Stock::GO_BACK' the program repeatedly crashes at run time. I've tried around 20 other values (Stock::OPEN / Stock::CANCEL / Stock::QUIT etc) and all of them worked successfully. It's just that one value which crashes. The only discrepancy I can see is this (in gtkmm/stock.h):-

extern GTKMM_API const Gtk::BuiltinStockID GO_BACK; /*!< left-to-right languages: @image html gtk-go-back-ltr.png */

compared to this, in gtkstock.h (libgtk):-

     * The "Back" item.
* <inlinegraphic fileref="go-previous-ltr.png" format="PNG"></inlinegraphic>
     * RTL variant
* <inlinegraphic fileref="go-previous-rtl.png" format="PNG"></inlinegraphic>
    #define GTK_STOCK_GO_BACK  "gtk-go-back"

Notice from the comments that gtkmm seems to think the graphic image should be called "gtk-go-back-ltr.png" whereas gtkmm thinks it's called "go-previous-ltr.png". I don't know if I happened to pick 20 good examples but in all the other cases, gtkmm and gtk+ seemed to agree about the name. Could this disagreement be causing my crash? And if so, which name is the right one?


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