Wrapping more of the glib API

This is a continuation of
with a new subject line (was "ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.33.12").

I have pushed two patches that at least to some extent correct the lists of unwrapped functions/signals/properties that gmmproc writes.
gmmproc: Improve the search for unwrapped methods.
Improve the use of _IGNORE. Don't use gio_others.defs
The "_IGNORE(g_iconv)" in many files actually made more harm than good after some previous improvements of gmmproc and the .defs files. And in files where more than one class are wrapped, gmmproc did not report any unwrapped entities even if there were some.
When I had corrected gmmproc, I had to correct the use of _IGNORE in several .hg files, or else gmmproc erroneously reported lots of unwrapped entities.

The lists of unwrapped entities that gmmproc prints is a good starting point for finding unwrapped glib API, but it's not certain that it's the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Giles, when you have some code you think shall be added to glibmm, I suggest you file a bug report in Bugzilla, and attach your patch(es) there.


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