Re: simple project Gtkmm + Glade

It's a table with a button in each cell. What's the problem? There are other example programs that use tables. The printing examples (printing/simple and printing/advanced) fill tables with labels and entries.

What do you want? The tables and grids in gtkmm and gtk+ are not complete ready-made spreadsheets. You can fill the cells in tables and grids with any types of widgets.


2012-10-09 05:17, Dmitry Kruglov skrev:
Hi! This no table! This button (i already look this project).  Please compile this project and look.
I want grid.

Best regards, Dmitry.

--- оригинальное сообщение ---
От: Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net>
Дата: 08.10.2012 20:05:41
Кому: Dmitry Kruglov <lsd secy biz>
Тема: Re: simple project Gtkmm + Glade

There is no Gtk::Grid in gtkmm-2.4, but there is an example with
Gtk::Table here:

2012-10-08 17:12, Dmitry Kruglov skrev:
THANK YOU! BUT, i not found example with grid (table) ...
Grid (table) present in gtkmm2-4?

Best regards, Dmitry.

--- оригинальное сообщение ---
От: Kjell Ahlstedt <kjell ahlstedt bredband net>
Дата: 08.10.2012 09:18:12
Кому: Dmitry Kruglov <lsd secy biz>
Тема: Re: simple project Gtkmm + Glade

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