Re: how to prevent Gtk::Entry to "Pass on" key event?

There is a section on event propagation in the gtkmm tutorial

There you can also find a small program that you can compile and experiment with.

Yann is right in that you need to connect to the Entry's signal_key_press_event() and always return true from that signal handler. It will stop the event from propagating to the enclosing window. But you have connected IMWin::press_action() with the parameter after=false, which means that it will be called before any of the Entry's signal handlers.

If you remove 'false' in the call to connect() and connect to m_entry.signal_key_press_event(), your program will work as you want when the Entry has keyboard focus. But I suppose you added after=false for a good reason. Are there other widgets in your window that consume key presses and don't let them propagate to the enclosing window, although you want to handle them in IMWin::press_action()? If so, you probably must keep after=false, and test which widget has keyboard focus.

bool IMWin::press_action(GdkEventKey *e) {
  if (m_entry.has_focus())
    return false;

In this case there is no need to connect to m_entry.signal_key_press_event().


2012-06-20 09:38, Yann Leydier skrev:
The keypress event has a return value that tells if the signal must be propagated:

I hope this means that it can help to tell the entry not to propagate the signal to the window. This should be something like adding :

next_file_entry.signal_key_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &TWin::no_key_propagate));

bool TWin::no_key_propagate(GdkEventKey*)
    return true;

If this does not work, then we'll have to conclude that Gtk's doc is cryptic on this point…


On 20/06/12 09:23, jody wrote:
Hi Yann

I'm not sure i exactlyx understand what you mean by "connect to the
entry's signal".

In my window's constructor i have:
&IMWin::press_action), false);

where press_action method is:

bool IMWin::press_action(GdkEventKey *e) {
     bool bReturn = false;
// call appropriate button if return is pressed
     if (e->keyval == GDK_Return) {
if (m_txtColorTable.has_focus() || m_butColorBrowse.has_focus()) {
} else if (m_txtDataFile.has_focus() || m_butDataBrowse.has_focus()) {
         bReturn = true;;
     } else if (e->keyval == GDK_f) {
     return bReturn;


On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Yann Leydier <yann leydier info> wrote:

did you try to connect to the entry's signal and just return "true" so that
the event is not transmitted any further?


On 20/06/12 08:40, jody wrote:

I have an application where i use keyboard events  ( with
signal_key_press_event().connect() ) to
control some simple actions nan image which is displayed (e.g.
flipping it when 'f' is pressed)
I also have a Gtk::Entry to type in the name of then next file to be

But whenever i type the key 'f' in the Gtk::Entry, the image is
flipped (and the character 'f' is written in the Gtk::Entry),
i.e. the key event has been used by by the Gtk::Entry and then been
passed on to the containing window.

Is there a way to tell the entry to "destroy" the key press event
after using it?

Thank You
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