Re: gtkmm and opengl and crossplatform

On 12/23/2012 12:51 AM, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:
Hello everyone!

I have an idea of C++ application (actually GUI for it) and I think I need to do some 3D graphics in it and I need to run it also on Windows.

Now comes the tricky part. I think GTK3 would be way to go for a future. In Linux Ihave libraries ready from packages but on Windows I couldn't find them. Also while investigating I found that gtkglext(mm) is years old and they are using gtk2.

What are my choices today for developing crossplatform program with OpenGL?

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho

I had the exact same question when I started developing my app a few months ago . I wrote it in GLUT and GTK3 for the dialogue parts and it worked ok , but that setup has it's limitations (as I would have found later) . There is some implementation of OpenGL in GTK3 , but I never tried it , because it involved more work , it may prove easier than I thought , donno . So after some research I found that Qt is ,by far, the best environment for cross platform development . Sorry that I'm kind promoting it on the GTKmm list , but really - gtk is just not cross platform ,its "capable to run on Windows" . I've been dealing with Qt and OpenGL on Windows/Linux for at least a month now - if you have any questions feel free to write me , I'd be more than happy to share what I've learned .


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