Interest in dynamic signal connection and some questions

Hello all,

I'm trying to implement a dynamic system for signals that plays nicely with plain gtk+. My main motivation is that I want to use MVVM pattern but gtkmm doesn't provide data binding and I've wanted to improve this situation for a while.

My main goals for this are:

1.- To be able to connect signals directly from glade by name (I already can do this with gtk_builder_connect_signals_full and it works, but I'm improving my approach).
2.- To be able to register signals (can't be done for now) and properties (I think this is correctly handled already by gtkmm) so that custom widgets are editable from glade.
3.- To be able to register types more easily into glade. As I see in this tutorial, it's quite complicated:

Some constraints I want to apply:

1.- It's a must that it plays well with existing gtkmm.

1.- NonIntrusive. No need to derive your objects from Glib::Object if you want to use them in the GObject type system. It would be nice to be able to register c++ types without touching them. I thought of something like this:

template <class T>
class GobjectWrappedType : public Glib::Object, public T {
//Register type automatically into gobject system.

template <class T, class...Args>
void createObject(Args && args) {
    return GObjectWrappedType<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

Approach taken for signals (c++11 syntax):

class MyClass : public Glib::Object {
//Gets registered with g_signal_new function into gobject. Parameters introspected via c++ templates
Signal signal{this, makeSigcSignal<void>{"clicked"}};


1.- Does Glib::Object register the GType into the type system or it only registers the type name?
2.- Are properties already appropiate for this use? I'm thinking of making a type erasure type that can wrap existing Glib::Property.
3.- Are signals registered into the gobject type system currently and I missed something?

When I come up with something usable, I will drop a mail. I won't have too much time until two or three weeks at least.

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