Re: Support of flexible label for narrow column header

On Sun, 2011-10-02 at 19:39 +0200, Markus Elfring wrote:
> Hello,
> Member functions like "Gtk::TreeView::append_column" provide the feature to add
> a column to a specific view.
> They get a "Glib::ustring" as a parameter. I find that the width of
> corresponding labels will become too big for some displayed values like small
> numbers or from a boolean data type. Now I am looking for ways to adjust the
> column header depending on width constraints.
> Is a switch possible for the display of items like the following in the header?
> - raster image
> - vector graphic
> - text with varying length (abbreviation, short or full label)

By using Gtk::TreeViewColumn::set_widget() on the column of the
TreeView, it should be possible to display mostly anything that an
application can display.


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