RE: Z-ordering

Quoth D. R. Evans:
> Now, the user presses some key combination which means that I need to
> display a pre-existing but undisplayed widget A "in front":
> +---------------------+
> | 00011112223333333333|
> | 00011112223333333333|
> | 00011AAAAAAAA4444444|
> | 55511AAAAAAAA7888888|
> | 55511AAAAAAAA7888888|
> | 55511AAAAAAAA7888888|
> | 55511112226667888888|
> | 99999999999999999999|
> +---------------------+
> Widget A receives keystrokes for a while and then receives a keystroke
> that tells it to disappear (although it continues to exist and will be
> logically updated, although the results of such updates are no longer
> visible on the physical screen until the next time it is displayed), so
> that the situation returns to:

It sounds like widget A should actually be another window.

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