Re: glibmm ABI name for gtkmm 3

In Fedora, the package name for the current gtkmm version is "gtkmm24". Note that there is no dash nor dot. I like that. Easier to type.

So my suggestion for the next version would be "gtkmm30".

In the same vein, my suggestion for the next version of glibmm would be "glibmm2x". 

The x is a compromise. On one hand it is prefixed with 2, so it indicates that it is a binding for glib 2. The x itself indicates a cut with a past (x looks like scissors, of course). Then when glib 3 appears on the scene we could have "glibmm30". 

If between now and then other ABI breaks are needed in the 2 series, we would have two versions to spare: "glibmm2y" and glibmm2z". Hopefully they won't be needed.

Alternatively if someone were to ask what the x in "glibmm2x" stands for, we could say that it stands for eXtraordinary!   :-)

----- Original Message ----
From: Murray Cumming <murrayc openismus com>
To: gtkmm-list <gtkmm-list gnome org>
Sent: Wed, 19 May, 2010 9:35:34
Subject: glibmm ABI name for gtkmm 3

I can't think of the best ABI name for the ABI-breaking glibmm:

1. glib will not break ABI, but we would like to do that to fix a few
things as we are doing it for gtkmm anyway.
2. There will be a glib 2.26 with new API, such as GSettings, that I
would like to put in a non-ABI-breaking glibmm 2.26 for use with gtkmm
3. I'd also like to do an ABI-breaking glibmm version that wraps the
same stuff, for use with gtkmm 3.0

Maybe 2 and 3 are just impossible to do together. Maybe the current
glibmm 2.24 must be the last glibmm-2.24 release. Well, we could add API
to glibmm 2.24.x releases, as a special case, though we'd actually
depend on glib 2.26.

Then we could use glibmm-2.26 for the new ABI name. That's not an easy
number to remember, of course, but I can't think of a better

If we choose glibmm-3.0, with glibmm 3.x.y tarballs, then:
a) it will be confusing because it wraps glib 2.x.
b) we'll have more confusion when glib one day does an (ABI-breaking?)
glib 3.0.

murrayc murrayc com

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