Emitting and/or Catching a signal

MinGW and MSYS= latest!
Reading specs from D:/XWin/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/specs
Configured with: ../gcc-3.4.5/configure --with-gcc --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --host=mingw32 --target=mingw32 --prefix=/mingw --enable-threads --disable-nls --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,ada,objc,java --disable-win32-registry --disable-shared --enable-sjlj-exceptions --enable-libgcj --disable-java-awt --without-x --enable-java-gc=boehm --disable-libgcj-debug --enable-interpreter --enable-hash-synchronization --enable-libstdcxx-debug
Thread model: win32
gcc version 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special)

OK, I give up!
I have been trying to emit a signal from one of my classes to another, but it has proven to be beyond me. I am not an expert C++ programmer let alone a GUI programmer, so bare with me please. Below is a snip of the source code; since the class is so specific and at a such early stage there aren't that many lines of code, nevertheless, my apology for the use of the band-width; in the future I will try to post the code on a URL site.
I would like to emphasize that any help and or observations are most welcome as well as an observation 

Now, the problem with my program is that when I tried to compile it it tells me that there is an error in "...\include\sigc++-2.0\sigc++\functor\stot.h in line 103
//// -- file.cpp SNIP ******
Menu::Menu() {
    //Command bar
    RefActionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("MenuFile", "_File") );
    RefActionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("New", Gtk::Stock::NEW, "_New",        "Create a new fle"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, & Menu::onActionActivated));
/******* THIS IS THE CODE CAUSING THE PROBLEM **************/
    RefActionGroup->add( Gtk::Action::create("Quit", Gtk::Stock::QUIT,"Quit", "Exit application"),  sigc::mem_fun(*this, & Menu::signal_quit));

//// -- file.hpp SNIP ******
class Menu : virtual public Gtk::VBox {
        //signal accessor
        typedef sigc::signal< my_enum::error_t> type_signal_end;
        type_signal_end signal_quit();

        type_signal_end m_signal_end1;
    }; //class
// tester.hpp
class Tester : virtual public Gtk::Window {
        Menu menu;
        void quit(){this->hide();}
// tester.cpp
            menu.signal_quit().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Tester::quit) );

Can any body help?

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