Thanks again smso, But I've been testing and testing this and as far as I can tell setting after = false as the second param of the connect function changes nothing in this situation. I can't see any affect at all. Updated test source is attached. Here are some pertinent bits: m_EventBox.signal_button_press_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExampleWindow::on_eventbox_button_press), false ); bool ExampleWindow::on_eventbox_button_press(GdkEventButton* event) { std::cout << "pressed" << std::endl; // "If the value is false then gtkmm will pass the event on to the // next signal handler." // return false; } I tried all my different combinations again and everything seemed to be the same to me. Any further help would be greatly appreciated. I would love for somebody to tell me I'm doing something else wrong! Thanks again, Lyle
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