Button Press / Release Events on a HScale

Hi List,

TL; DR: See attached source code. button_press refuses to fire on
EventBox parent of HScale when clicking on trough or slider, but
double-clicking fires one button_press.

I'm trying to connect to the button press event of an HScale. I quickly
found that this did not work. So I tried using an EventBox, and that did
not work either. The EventBox is under the Scale, so the events don't
fire if you click on the trough or the slider of the scale unless you do
set_above_child(true), but then the EventBox actually STOPS the events,
and they don't filter down to the child at all, so it's impossible to
activate the scale by clicking on it. I tried tons of variations of
set_above_child and set_visible_window, I added the event masks to BOTH
the EventBox and the HScale under it, I connected to the button_press
events of BOTH of them... Something interesting that I noticed though:
If I double-click, it registers one click event from under the Scale. It
never sees any release events though.

So the workaround that I came to was that I would do
set_above_child(true), and in my button_pressed handler I would do
scale->event((GdkEvent*)pressEvent) to send button_press on to the scale
from the EventBox. This worked. I then thought that I could just connect
to signal_event of the EventBox and pass all the signals. This did not
work. Even when I tried to connect to button_release of the event box
and pass that to the Scale via event(releaseEvent), it did not get the
event. And yes, my masks were set to receive release events. I have no
idea why this did not work for button_release but it did for
button_press. Maybe the underlying Scale is focused in a way that keeps
the EventBox from getting the button_release?

In any case, I ended up connecting to the signal_event of the EventBox
and just doing if(event->type == 10), which is enter_notify, and used
that as my release event. This is obviously a terrible hack that will
break all the time, but I don't know what else to do. Am I stupid here?
I was wrestling with this for hours. Is this a bug somewhere?

I'm attaching my test code, modified from the gtkmm book. By compiling
it you will see button_press events not firing on the EventBox. You
should be able to get them to fire by double-clicking on the trough or
slider, but not by single-clicking. There are also some-commented out
lines that illustrate the other problems I ran into (examplewindow.cc).
Let me know if there's any more information I can give to illustrate
this problem.

Thanks for any insight,

Attachment: eventbox-scale.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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