Re: Thoughts on mm-common and gmmproc

On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 09:39 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> gmmproc's use of perl and m4 (and how those parts are interdependent)
> makes it very hard to add new features or to fix problems.

How much extensibility is needed? I mean - should it be easy just to add
new feature to gmmproc itself or should it be easy to make it extensible
by maintainers of modules (by writing sort of plugins doing specific
things these modules need)?

> A rewrite would be useful if it was easier to maintain. We have plenty
> of existing .hg/.ccg code to check that a rewrite would still process
> existing files correctly.

Files using m4 voodoo would need modification. Or not, if rewrite should
strive for strict backwards compatibility.

> Anyone should feel free to play with ideas in a git branch, even on
> gitorious or github if they don't have write access.

Good to know, but something official could also be helpful - something
like a place on wiki somewhere in for brainstorming or to keep
ideas from irc or this mailing list.


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