Re: Crow Designer: updates of the GTK+ GUI builder project

On Mon, 6 Dec 2010 15:05:07 +0300 Maxim wrote:
> There is no documentation now, but the examples make this API more than
> obvious.

[rant mode]

It is NEVER sufficient just to throw out a handful of examples and
claim it's good enough as API documentation. It may seem obvious to the
creator of the API, but that's JUST BECAUSE HE CREATED IT.

Q: What does this call do?
A: I passed it these parameters.
Q: But what do the parameters mean?
A: I passed it these parameters.
Q: And what difference would I see if I used 5 here?
A: I passed it these parameters.
Q: How do I change this appearance?
A: I like my appearance.

See? Not even slightly useful. But that's exactly the exchange you inflict 
on your potential user by thinking examples are sufficient. There is NO 
substitute for proper documentation.

[end rant]

Maybe Crow Designer's API really is trivially obvious, but I'm sceptical.

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