Re: Removing the DOS console

ArbolOne wrote:
> Thanks Jonathon, is that supposed to be in the linker or the compiler
> command?
> Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
>> ArbolOne wrote:
>>> I have something very strange happening in one of my programs in WinXP,
>>> After compiling the program I ran it, but a DOS console windows appears
>>> with the old.... press to continue...
>>> How do I get rid of this annoyance?
>>> Thanks in advance
>> use -mwindows
Hi, I've noticed that you use Code::Blocks, but I never used it.
I use Visual Studio and I will tell you how I enable and disable the dos
console window. So you can compare with your IDE options:
In my project property I go to Linker -> System options page, here I
have a field called SubSystem:
To enable I put: Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)
To Disable I put: Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)
This is the best I can do for you,

Filipe Apóstolo

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