Need some tips on wrapping a development version of library


I'm trying to wrap a 0.19 version of vte, but this situation is rather generic.

I have a 0.17 version of vte installed on my system (Debian) and now I
need to compile my wrapper on later version. So I compiled vte-0.19
and installed it in /home/kudi/usr instead of /usr/local or /usr. So
to check if this even compiles I'm executing configure that way:
./configure --prefix=/home/kudi/usr LIBVTEMM_CFLAGS="`pkg-config
--cflags gtkmm-2.4` -I/home/kudi/usr/include"
LIBVTEMM_LIBS="`pkg-config --libs gtkmm-2.4` -Wl,-rpath
-Wl,/home/kudi/usr/lib -lvte". With this everything goes nice until
examples compilation - here I have undefined references to new API.
How do set up your environment, when it comes to wrap a development
version of a C library? I'd rather like to avoid messing with /usr and
with build system (temporal changes in or

I'd appreciate any help,
Krzesimir Nowak

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