Re: How does libsigc++ accept member functions?

Daniel Elstner пишет:
Am Donnerstag, den 04.06.2009, 15:41 +0400 schrieb Igor Gorbounov:

Because it looks very ugly, I'm eager to understand how did you bypassed all this stuff using libsigc++?
The term you are looking for is "PMF" (Pointer to Member Function).
It is this very pointer to member function that C++ does not
allow me to get.
But those guys from libsigc++ have managed to cope with this problem.
Though things like "sigc::slot<T_return, T_arg1, T_arg2, T_arg3, T_arg4, T_arg5, T_arg6, T_arg7>" <>
from documentation look discoraging.

Igor Gorbounov

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