Hi, I'm using gtkmm 2.12.7 (as in Debian Sid). I have testing program which contains only of 2 Gtk::Entries. In one user should enter somebody's name and in a second - somebody's surname. I wanted it to work that way, when user selects a name in name entry, its corresponding surname should appear in surname entry. Example: User has entered "A" in name entry, so four names appear - Arturo, Andrzej, Anthony and Aleksander. User selects Anthony and this name appears in name entry and in the same time in surname entry "Burgess" word appears. I set EntryCompletion for each entry and a list of names/surnames appears while entering data to entry. So it works. Each EntryCompletion uses the same TreeModel, but with different text columns. But when I want to connect my custom function to EntryCompletion's signal_match_selected (or to any other its signals), program still uses a default behavior. I was just following instructions in documentation. Making a class inheriting from Gtk::EntryCompletion and overriding a on_match_selected (like in Gtk::Util::MultiEntryCompletion) does not work for me, because in overriden function I need access to both entries to set their texts. Am I doing something wrong? I'd appreciate any help. Here is my code (cut for brevity): BEGIN CODE BLOCK #include <iostream> #include "complwindow.h" ComplWindow::ComplWindow(BaseObjectType* cobject, Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> xml) : Gtk::Window(cobject), m_ref_glade(xml), m_name_entry(dynamic_cast<Gtk::Entry*>(m_ref_glade->get_widget("name_entry"))), m_surname_entry(dynamic_cast<Gtk::Entry*>(m_ref_glade->get_widget("surname_entry"))), m_ref_name_compl(Gtk::EntryCompletion::create()), m_ref_surname_compl(Gtk::EntryCompletion::create()), m_model_columns(), m_ref_tree_model(Gtk::ListStore::create(m_model_columns)) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row data_row = *(m_ref_tree_model->append()); data_row[m_model_columns.m_id] = 1; data_row[m_model_columns.m_name] = Glib::ustring("Bram"); data_row[m_model_columns.m_surname] = Glib::ustring("Stoker"); data_row = *(m_ref_tree_model->append()); data_row[m_model_columns.m_id] = 2; data_row[m_model_columns.m_name] = Glib::ustring("Robert"); data_row[m_model_columns.m_surname] = Glib::ustring("Jordan"); // and so on. m_ref_name_compl->set_model(m_ref_tree_model); m_ref_surname_compl->set_model(m_ref_tree_model); m_ref_name_compl->set_text_column(m_model_columns.m_name); m_ref_surname_compl->set_text_column(m_model_columns.m_surname); m_name_entry->set_completion(m_ref_name_compl); m_surname_entry->set_completion(m_ref_surname_compl); m_ref_name_compl->signal_match_selected().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ComplWindow::on_match_selected)); } bool ComplWindow::on_match_selected(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter) { Glib::ustring name((*iter)[m_model_columns.m_name]); Glib::ustring surname((*iter)[m_model_columns.m_surname]); std::cout << name << " " << surname << std::endl; m_name_entry->set_text(name); m_surname_entry->set_text(surname); return true; } END CODE BLOCK I attached an archive with whole source code (glade file included). Thanks, Krzesimir
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