Hi to everybody,
Well I'm facing a strange problem when I try to display some special
character of the ascii table.
For example if I want to display character 3 of the table (the heart)
it will not be displayed the heart . Instead it will be an Default
symbol (I call it default because it appears in all unreconized symbols.
First I though that it was some conversion problem but then I tested
and it is not that at all.
Well as an small example i done something like this:
"Here I use std::string just to test all conversions".
std::string str;
char testeCh = 3;
str = testeCh;
std::cout << "STRING " << str << std::endl;
The output in the console window is the heart has I want.
Then I call a function that receives the A Glib::ustring as parameter.
And will set that parameter int the treeview with some others
mMyTreeview.InsertItemValue (itemRowIterator, timestampStr, str);
The Function is described here:
void MyTreeView::InsertItemValue (const
Gtk::TreeModel::iterator row_it,
const Glib::ustring ×tamp,
const Glib::ustring &value)
Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *row_it;
std::cout << "USTRING: " << value << ";
Ustring.c_str(): " << value.c_str () << std::endl;
row[mListColumnsModel.Value] = value.c_str();
std::cout << "ROW Value: " << row[mListColumnsModel.Value]
<< std::endl;
row[mListColumnsModel.Timestamp] = timestamp;
The Output of Ustring and Row value in the console is the Heart symbol
but in the Gtk::treeview value field is a strange symbol that appears
in the other special ascii symbols like the arrows, happy faces ond so

Could any one now what is missing in my code, or why is this appening