Drawing inside a container widget

I have derived a class from Gtk::Container for creating a menu like widget and it doesnt have a window of its own, i.e. set_flags(Gtk::NO_WINDOW) is called in the contructor. This widget has two Gtk::HBox widgets containing navigation controls (close and back) and options, which are basically Gtk::Buttons. Additionally my container draws on the parent window by overriding the on_expose_event member. It all works fine except the fact that the buttons are not visible! What I have noticed is, if I remove the on_expose_event override, they become visible and in the exact location where they ought to be. Is it against the rules for a widget derived from Gtk::Container to draw on its parent?

As required I am overriding on_size_request, on_size_allocate, forall_vfunc, on_add, on_remove and child_type_vfunc plus the on_expose_event.


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