configure event in children

Hi all,

I have a window with a notebook.  Each page in turn has a vbox, an
eventbox and a socket (in that descending order) attached to it.

I'd like to connect a function to a configure_event for any of the
children of the notebook, or if that's too difficult, at least have it
connected to the notebook itself.

I tried, in the top-level window:


to make the window's children receive configure_events, and then added
to the children (here, to the notebook):

    connect_notify(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &EditorWin::on_my_configure_event));

But this somehow doesn't seem to work.  The function is never called
when I resize the window and in turn the notebook.  I'm sure I'm just
not setting the right signals, or something, but I can't seem to work
it out.

Any ideas on how this is done?

Many thanks,


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