Re: Cannot access gdkpixbuf?

Hubert Figuiere wrote:
On 04/17/2009 03:10 AM, S. Wittenberg wrote:

Thanks for your answer.

Let me rephrase my request:

I got a framebuffer thats RGBA, but otherwise compliant to the requests
of the pixbuf.
The gdkpixbuf seems to be capable of utilizing RGBA, while the
Gdk::Pixbuf isnt...
Even if i set has_alpha to true, it wont work... in fact, if i do this,
it wont work at all.
So i have to strip the buffer from the alpha channel, but thats quite
expensive and necessary
many times per second since i display various vnc-displays. If i could
access the gdkpixbuf
directly, just place my buffer there and set the corresponding fields, i
could save some

Define "doesn't work".


If i dont strip the alpha channel (by hand more or less) and just create a new Gdk::Pixbuf from the buffer with has_alpha set to false, the picture is mainly b&w and some of the right part of the picture is cut off. If i set has_alpha true, then the the Gtk::Pixbuf wont draw... the drawable will just be blank/invisible though the size seems to be correct.


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