Re: Cannot access gdkpixbuf?

Hubert Figuiere wrote:
On 04/17/2009 02:16 AM, S. Wittenberg wrote:
I tried to access the wrapped gdkpixbuf inside the Gdk::Pixbuf, but i
get this, even if i #include the right header file (just to be sure):

connection.cpp: In member function ‘Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>
connection.cpp:336: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct
/usr/include/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-core.h:55: error: forward
declaration of ‘struct _GdkPixbuf’

My code looks like this:

frame_buffer = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data(....);
frame_buffer->gobj()->n_channels = 4;

GdkPixbuf is an opaque structure. You are not able to access its fields directly.


Thanks for your answer.

Let me rephrase my request:

I got a framebuffer thats RGBA, but otherwise compliant to the requests of the pixbuf. The gdkpixbuf seems to be capable of utilizing RGBA, while the Gdk::Pixbuf isnt... Even if i set has_alpha to true, it wont work... in fact, if i do this, it wont work at all. So i have to strip the buffer from the alpha channel, but thats quite expensive and necessary many times per second since i display various vnc-displays. If i could access the gdkpixbuf directly, just place my buffer there and set the corresponding fields, i could save some

Is there any intelligent and reasonable solution to this?

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