Re: Wrapping gtkimageview

On Mon, 2008-03-03 at 19:43 +0100, Andreas Volz wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently building a C++ wrapper for gtkimageview[1]. The
> documentation on for this is really good. I build a
> gtkimageviewmm library and it builds (currently without any .hg
> and .ccg files). Then I started to add the first class files:
> imageview.hg:
> _DEFS(gtkimageviewmm,gtkimageview)
> //_PINCLUDE(gtkmm/private/bin_p.h)
> namespace Gtk
> {
> class ImageView : public Widget
> {
>   _CLASS_GTKOBJECT(ImageView,GtkImageView,GTK_IMAGE_VIEW,Gtk::Widget,GtkWidget)
> public:
>   //_WRAP_SIGNAL(void clicked(), "clicked")
>   //_WRAP_PROPERTY("label", Glib::ustring)
> };
> } // namespace Gtk
> imageview.ccg:
> #include <gtkimageview/gtkimageview.h>
> namespace ImageView
> {
> } /* namespace ImageView */
> Not much, but I hoped a least the constructoe should work. But I get
> this compile error:
> In static member function 'static void
> Gtk::ImageView_Class::class_init_function(void*, void*)':
> error: incomplete type 'Gtk::Widget_Class' used in
> nested name specifier make[4]: *** [imageview.lo] Fehler 1
> Any ideas what I'm doing wring?
> regards
> Andreas

I don't know for sure, but my guess is that you're missing a 'private
include'.  If you look up above at the commented out _PINCLUDE line, you
might try to use something like

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