Re: (proposal for) source code generator

Amadeus W.M. wrote:
To exemplify, suppose I have a trivial application with a top level window with just a button in it that outputs "OK" to stdout when clicked. That's the whole application. The gui part of the code for this would be as follows:

class MainWindowGUI : public sigc::trackable
I don't know enough xml/xslt but I suspect this could be done by creating an intelligent xslt file, say application.xsl, then generate the code with an off-the-shelf xslt processor like so:

xsltproc application.xsl > MainWindowGUI.hh

Thus, one would not have to write massive amounts of code to parse the xml .glade file and generate the C++ code from it. All that would need to be written (not by me though) would be a one-time xslt file (transform).

We're too using glade--, despite the claim that a majority of the developer would prefer libglade. Nice to see that I'm not the last of its kind. Just two questions.

I was wondering whether Gtk::Builder would be worth to look at. Its the proclaimed successor of libglade and seems to provide a similar functionality.

And, while looking at the code, why would you derive MainWindowGUI from sigc::trackable instead of Gtk::Window? While this could be easily changed in the xsl file to fit everyones personal preference, I was just wondering whether there is a specific reason.

Would this be feasible? Any xml experts willing to try this?

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