Re: List etiquette (was Re: Multiple threads and drawing)

(This message rather delayed because it bounced due to Klaus having mistyped 
the Reply-To)

On Thursday 19 June 2008, klaus triendl wrote:
> I see your point, though what you request here is difficult to achieve,
> I believe, because From
> is not the mailing list but you as the author of the message. If the
> Reply To is not set properly then Thunderbird as my
> email client sends a reply to you and puts the list on CC with
> "reply all".

I'd regard that as a defect in Thunderbird. I'm using KMail here, and it 
provides me a "reply to mailing list" command with a nice easy keyboard 
shortcut, so it's very easy to behave correctly. Sylpheed also provides that 
command in a convenient form, and my usual client (Turnpike) allows me to 
treat mailing lists as if they were newsgroups, and Does The Right Thing by 
default (in fact if you do reply to author it asks you if you're sure you 
meant that). Posts from the list contain headers that should allow a properly 
designed mail client to know when to do this.

Granted MS Outlook [Express] is designed to make The Right Thing very hard to 
do, and Thunderbird seems to be a clone of that. However, "I'm using a 
rubbish tool" doesn't sound like a very good excuse to me, when there are 
better ones available for free.

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