Re: ustring and multithread


I'm trying to recompile glib and I have this error:
G:\libxml++\glib 2.12\glib\glib>nmake -f makefile.msc

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        cl -G5 -GF -MD -W3 -nologo -Ox -Zd -FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h -I . -I
-Zm400 -I ..\../gettext-0.10.40/intl -I ..\../libiconv-1.7\include -I ..\..\glib
\build\win32\dirent -LD -Felibglib-2.0-0.dll garray.obj          gasyncqueue.obj
                 gatomic.obj     gbacktrace.obj          gbase64.obj     gbookma
rkfile.obj       gcache.obj              gcompletion.obj                 gconver
t.obj            gdataset.obj            gdate.obj               gdir.obj
 gerror.obj              gfileutils.obj          ghash.obj               ghook.o
bj               gkeyfile.obj            gmappedfile.obj         giochannel.obj
         giowin32.obj            glist.obj               gmain.obj
 gmarkup.obj             gmem.obj                gmessages.obj           gnode.o
bj               goption.obj     gprimes.obj             gqsort.obj
 gqueue.obj              gpattern.obj    gprintf.obj     grand.obj
 grel.obj                gscanner.obj            gshell.obj              gslice.
obj      gslist.obj              gspawn-win32.obj        gstdio.obj      gstrfun
cs.obj           gstring.obj             gthread.obj             gthreadpool.obj
                 gtimer.obj              gtree.obj               gunibreak.obj
         gunicollate.obj                 gunidecomp.obj          guniprop.obj
         gutf8.obj               gutils.obj              gwin32.obj
 localcharset.obj glib.res ..\../libiconv-1.7\lib\iconv.lib ..\../gettext-0.10.4
0/intl\intl.lib  gnulib\gnulib.lib ..\..\glib\build\win32\dirent\dirent.lib user
32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib wsock32.lib ole32.lib ws2_32.lib  /link /machine
:ix86  /implib:glib-2.0.lib /def:glib.def
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-G5'
cl : Command line warning D9002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zd'
glib.def(112) : fatal error LNK1118: syntax error in 'G_GNUC_MALLOC' statement
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\c
l.EXE"' : return code '0x2'

Can somebody help me?

2008/6/17 Fabian Jacquet <fabian jacquet gmail com>:
Or the dll I use are not compiled for VS8 runtime like my program...

Ok, I understand what you say about mixing runtimes.

2008/6/17 Fabian Jacquet <fabian jacquet gmail com>:

:-) It's of course different strings. And I effectively use Windows :-D

Glib::ustring uses glib which is C library so It must share some context. Is it possible my binary of glib is not thread safe?

2008/6/17 Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>:

On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 15:24 +0200, Fabian Jacquet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know if it's the good mailing list for this question. Sorry if
> it's not.
> I use libxml++ which depend on glibmm-2.4.dll on version.
> libxml++ writes UTF8 so it use Glib::ustring.
> My program uses a lot of threads traiting xml and some time I have an
> "Access violation" error.
> It seams this error occurs on the operator== of the ustring...
> It's simply reproducible  with this code in threads:
> Glib::ustring myString = "azerty";
> if(myString == "qsdfgh")
> ...
> I don't have any problem if I cast ustring in std::string before
> compare.
> Is there another solution?

Neither std::string or Glib::ustring are thread safe. You need to
protect access to them with a mutex if you are using the same strings
from multiple threads.

If you are not accessing the same strings from multiple threads then you
have some other problem. It sounds like you are using Windows, so maybe
you are mixing runtimes?

murrayc murrayc com

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