Re: How to access list within a GTK::TreeView ? [SOLVED]

On Saturday 14 June 2008 10:31:51 pm Dave Bartmess wrote:
> I'm using a Gtk::ListStore for the model of a Gtk::TreeView, and want to
> get an iterator or list of the contents of the rows. I don't see any way to
> get an iterator OR the contents of the TreeView for use after the editing
> is done.
> How do I do that? I see get_iter(Path &), but I'm not sure what path to
> use...
> Kinda new to GTKMM, so please be kind...

I finally figured it out... As the code below shows, I need to get the 
children (NOT a very understandable name... btw). Hope this helps someone 
else avoid this problem....

void MainWindow::on_button_save() {
    cout << "Button Save" << endl;
    Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = refListStore->children().begin();
    for (; iter != refListStore->children().end(); ++iter) {
        cout << (*iter)[m_Columns.m_title] << endl;

Dave Bartmess
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