Re: Problems with the creation of a signal to a const member function.

I've fixed the problem.

I've defined a signal where an slot was expected.

En/na Joaquim Duran ha escrit:

Hello all,

(this is a question about sigc++, I con't know if this is an off-topic to this e-mail list).

I would like to write a signal to a const member function like this:

class Foo
    int beFoo() const;

using: sigc::mem_fun(foo_object, &Foo::beFoo);

The compiler tells that the expects a sigc::signal object, but the compiler generates a sigc::bound_const_mem_functor0<int, Foo>.

How can I create a signal with the beFoo member function?

Joaquim Duran
Moltes gràcies.
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