Re: A french community for Gtkmm ?

Murray Cumming a écrit :
On Sun, 2008-07-13 at 18:11 +0200, CALARESU Luc wrote:
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Hello !

We are 10 french people using gtkmm everyday, and we want to know if it
exist a french community for gtkmm ?

If not, do you know if it is possible to create a french website like
yours but all in french ?

Hi. There are several gtkmm developers that I know of.

Yeah, and I think there are several other French gtkmm developers that you don't know of :-)

I'd advise you guys to join the IRC channel #gnomefr on There is vibrant french community of GNOME hackers and users there and there are couple of people there who use gtkmm. You are welcome on that IRC channel, even if you are windows users. Nobody is perfect.

There is no mechanism to translate the web site,

Well, it happens that #gnomefr is also the channel of the french translators. So that's a second reason to hang on there.



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