Re: [gst-devel] Gstreamer with C++

Eric Jonas wrote:
If you're interested there are also C++ bindings being developed and what's been wrapped is fairly stable and usable. If you're interested, see the gstreamer C++ bindings page:

   I too have recently found myself needing to write some elements that
interoperate with legacy c++ code. Are the gstreamer c++ bindings you
mention in a state that you can inherit from gst base elements? I've
used gtkmm with fantastic success in the past (thanks murry!), so I have
high hopes :) I find myself needing to make my own network-clock
element, for example, and I'd really like to avoid having to fight with
raw gobject if I can avoid it. Thanks again, ...Eric

I don't think inheriting from gstbase base classes is possible yet (because these base classes haven't been wrapped yet), but it is one of the things that is planned to make possible in the near future. There are a few things that we are trying to complete before we focus on this completely (like a generic c++ iterator based on the GstIterator) but we are definitely planning to wrap these base classes (both the core and base ones) if it is something that will be useful. Stay informed on the gtkmm list and feel free to ask questions there.

CCing the gtkmm list.

José Alburquerque

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