Re: Why std::string is used for the file paths?

Roman Yazmin wrote:

    Gtkmm doesn't have its own "string" class. It has a special class
for UTF-8 encoded strings. That's what Glib::ustring is.

And all library use this special class for UTF-8 encoded strings. And must be used for file paths also. If not, please show me the benefits of using std::string for file paths instead of ustring.
I think you are looking at this from the wrong side, so as to speak.

As far as I understand, Glib::ustring is not intended as a "separate" string class. It may be implemented somewhat separately for some obscure technical reason, but you should view it as a specialisation of std::string with additional support for UTF-8 encoding and variable length characters.

So, generally std::string is used all over the place. In some places, a specialised class with support for a special case of a string, i.e. an UTF-8 encoded text, is needed. This is where Glib::ustring is used. But Glib::ustring "is a" std::string, at least conceptually. Other places, strings are just general character sequences, so the generic string class is used directly. std::string, that is.

Also using the current Glib::ustring implementation for the more general strings may work from a technical perspective, but it would break with the normal rules for object orientation, and Glib::ustring *might* also be implemented in such a way that non-UTF-8 strings would simply be rejected.

- Toralf

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