Re: Configuring jhbuild

On 1/23/08, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 23:18 -0500, José Alburquerque wrote:
> > I've started using jhbuild to let it handle dependencies for me and
> > followed the basic instructions in the manual for configuring it but
> > each time I try to build something, it seems to be using tar balls
> > instead of using svn.  Am I doing something wrong?
> It uses tarballs for one or two things. Does it use svn when you do, for
> instance, "jhbuild buildone glibmm" ?

Just to add a little more information -- anything that's not
explicitly part of GNOME (i.e. an 'external dependency' such as
libxml2, cairo, etc) uses tarballs.

In the past, these were also checked out from the version control
system, but that made jhbuild difficult to build since it was prone to
build failures from development versions of external libraries.  So a
change was made so that only things that are actually a GNOME project
should be pulled from svn.


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