Re: Docking widgets in gtkmm

On 1/23/08, 64bit mailme dk <64bit mailme dk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are currently porting a project into Gtk from Qt. But Gtk seems to have
> some loose ends within some areas. Herein we think the QtDockWidget-like
> component is missing in Gtk.
> I was earlier recommended the HandleBox, but if we're right, the widget
> cannot be relocated in runtime to left/right/top if it's placed in the
> bottom of another widget. And this is needed.
> Gimp actually has dockable widgets, which has nice functionality to put
> multiple dockable widgets into tabs.
> Since Gtk and Gimp are associated a lot, it's kinda surprising that this
> is not to find in Gtk, or have we overlooked this feature?
> During the "research" some people state, that gdl (Gnome Devtool Library)
> is the library used by Anjuta and several other projects which all have
> this functionality. But the problem is - there is no C++ bindings for this
> - or are we wrong? How to use this library along with gtkmm?

That is true -- there are no c++ bindings for the gdl docking widget
yet.  If you wanted to start on a libgdlmm wrapper library, I'm sure
people here would be willing to help and advise.  As far as I know,
the gimp docking widgets are not split off into a reusable library
yet, so that would be a bit more difficult than using gdl perhaps.

Alternately, the gdl C widgets can be used directly if you wish.
gtkmm widgets provide access to the underlying C variables with the
gobj() function, which you can use when you need to mix and match C
and C++ types [e.g. foo_c_function(cpptype.gobj());]  The Glib::wrap
function which may be useful to wrap C widgets as generic gtkmm
widgets.  Hope that helps


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