re: Pango Layout, Cairo, and Drawing Areas

Quoting "Roy, Andre Robert" <t5pk1 unb ca>:

> Hi folks,
> Just an update, I figured out how to render pango layouts with cairo!! :)
> here are a few lines of text to demonstrate:
> Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = window->create_cairo_context();
> Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> pangoLayout = Pango::Layout::create (cr);
> cr->move_to(doublexpos,doubleypos);
> pangoLayout->set_text("text");
> pangoLayout->update_from_cairo_context(cr);  //gets cairo cursor position
> pangoLayout->add_to_cairo_context(cr);         //adds text to cairos stack of stuff
> to
> be drawn
> cr->stroke();                                               //tells Cairo to render
> it's
> stack
> So That should now help all the folks who pulled their hair just like me trying to
> figure out how to use pango with cairo and gtkmm.  
> I have an extra question to pose which may not get an answer since noone was able to
> tell me how to render pango text:  How do I rotate text?
> Thanks
> Andre

Nevermind, I figured out how to rotate text


cr->rotate(double radians);

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