re: Pango Layout, Cairo, and Drawing Areas

Hi folks,

Just an update, I figured out how to render pango layouts with cairo!! :)

here are a few lines of text to demonstrate:

Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> cr = window->create_cairo_context();
Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Layout> pangoLayout = Pango::Layout::create (cr);
pangoLayout->update_from_cairo_context(cr);  //gets cairo cursor position
pangoLayout->add_to_cairo_context(cr);         //adds text to cairos stack of stuff to
be drawn
cr->stroke();                                               //tells Cairo to render it's

So That should now help all the folks who pulled their hair just like me trying to
figure out how to use pango with cairo and gtkmm.  

I have an extra question to pose which may not get an answer since noone was able to
tell me how to render pango text:  How do I rotate text?



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