Re: Glib::Object how can I register properties, types... in the Gobject type system?

And so far, I think there are other problems too:
- multiple level object derivation (last time I got an infinite recursion due to how the wrappers are implemented)
- inability to use those objects other than from your c++ program as a *wrapper* (and not as a really new GObject)

Maybe someone will check the email thread (and test file attached( w/ subject "(glibmm)" Deeper level of inheritance ..........." ?

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 1:21 AM, Milosz Derezynski <internalerror gmail com> wrote:
You can install C GObject signals (although IIRC in a non-totally-standard way because of what happens in the C++ constructor; normally C GObject signals are initialized in the class_init func of the C GObject, but IIRC, inside the actual C++ constructor class_init has already been called by a base class constructor, and the C++ constructor equals (instance) init of the C GObject; someone please correct me if I'm wrong here.)

Though, the C GObject signals will be nonrelated to the *mm-style sigc signalling (libsigc++ with classes and functions inside the sigc:: namespace are used for signalling and related purposes inside glibmm, gtkmm, etc), although since both systems are very flexible (sigc and C GObject), it should be possible to bridge them, but you would need to write that bridging code yourself.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Germán Diago <germandiago gmail com> wrote:
Hello. I'm looking at the gtkmm documentation. I would like to know if
it's possible to register signals, GType and properties for types from the
c++ bindings, or if I need to use c directly to do it. I'm new to GObject, so
I don't know very well what I'm doing. What I would like to do is to
get introspection
capabilities at least for signals, types and properties, and I would like them
to be registered in the Gobject type system. Thanks in advance.
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