gtkmm dev pkg (libxml++ in particular) for MSVC?

I downloaded gtkmm and glibmm dev files from the following urls (this
was in my notes, anyway):
	Gtk+ 2.12.9 Development Environment Revision 1

Couldn't quite tell but looks like the libs are static (e.g.
xml++-2.6.lib). I had things sort of working after a day or so of
experimenting, overlooking some lingering link warnings. Then I added
more code to my project (had minimal code before) and started getting
heap errors.

"All" I need are the dev files (includes + libs) for libxml++ and it's
dependencies (e.g. Glib::ustring).

A couple of questions:
- Was I close with the above downloads? Are there only static libs (OK
with me) or am I overlooking the static linking files for the dlls
(which I could try)?
- Is the libxml++ pkg "sold separately"? :-). My guess is a resounding no.
- I've spent several days googling, downloading, building is there
some web page that explains things for MSVC?
- If a binary dev install is not available is there an "easy" way to
build from source that would not require building all of
gtk/glibmm/gkt+/glib? I'm afraid my computer could not handle a full
build and/or the time spent getting it right would be a show stopper.

This pkg looks great. Hope I can get it going. Thanks.

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