Re: ComboBox and TreeStore

On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 00:52 +0300, Tiberius Duluman wrote:
> I've tested also on Ubuntu, but there everything is ok.
> The problem happens on Windows, when MS Windows Engine is selected.
> Below is a screenshot of what is happening:

hmm.  I guess it's probably a bug in the windows theme then.  Probably
you should file a bug against GTK+ in GNOME bugzilla

> I have one more question about the ComboBox.
> Can I make it to display the entire path; for example, when
> child is selected, I want it to display something like "/A/A.1"
> In the application that I'm working to, display only child
> name would be very confusing.

I don't know for sure whether this is possible by default or not.  But I
would guess it would be possible with a custom CellRenderer or


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