Manage multiple Gtk::Color


I'm trying to make my own color selector.. with DrawingAras on
Gtk:Tables.. my proble is when i set the color of te drwaing areas:

(*nDrawingArea).modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, aux_Color);

i ned to use a gtk::color widget... so i use an aux_color widget that
changes its color for the diferent drwaing areas:


when i execute the code all the drawing areas apears with the same color
(the last color asigned to aux_Color)..

for(i=0 ; i<5 ; i++){
	for(j=0 ; j<5 ; j++){
		colour_p = 100 - (4 * count);
		Gtk::DrawingArea* nDrawingArea = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::DrawingArea);
		(*nDrawingArea).modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, aux_Color);
		std::cout << "color:" << count <<"\n";

i have tried to make 

Gtk::Color* nColor = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Color);

and then..

(*nDrawingArea).modify_bg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, aux_Color);

but the builder makes an error because Gtk::Color dont have

any other way to do this?

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