toggle button in TreeView not editable - appended with append_column_editable


I am more or less using the TreeView example from the gtkmm book:
Figure 8.5. TreeView - Editable Cells

For some reason my toggle button in the Treeview is not editable (it doesn't 
check when I click on it, but it is not greyed out). The string (userid in 
the code below) actually is editable.

Is there anything special that I need to do to get an editable toggle button 
in the treeview other than adding it with append_column_editable?

class ModelColumns : public TreeModel::ColumnRecord
TreeModelColumn<bool> active;
TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> userid;

ModelColumns model_colums;

sub1_treeview1->append_column_editable("User ID", model_colums.userid);

many thanks


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