Compiling in Windows


I have developed my aplication with GNU/Linux and now i want to compile
it in M$Windows..

I have compiled it using Visual C++ 2005 espress an DEV++, and with both
(gcc an M$Window compiler) i have the same problems..

1) The widnows that i have define a width smaller than 104px, when i run
the aplication apears with a width of 104px .Is there any minimun width
or something like that?

2) When y set the .set_type_hint(...) property doesent have any efect on
the window.. for example if i thefine the "hint" of a window like a
"TOOLBAR" is suposed to be always on top and have no icon on windowbar..
but in M$Windows the windown behaviour is like a normal window..

3) I have delete the decoration of my windows with set_decorated(false)
and then i have made my own close/minimize/maximize buttons... but when
i minimize then i try to maximize pushing the app icon of the
windowbar.. the problem is thar when i maximize the window elements
thont run except the minimize button and when i push in all parts of the
window, the app minimized again..

when y compile on linux everything works ok...any idea??


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