Re: top-level window's title bar handling

On Fri, 2007-10-05 at 06:15 -0700, Ofer Oshri wrote:
> i have tried that before.  set_decorated(false) indeed did its job but
> set_deletable(true) did NOT.  so i ended up with a frame_less window,
> namely no title_bar and borders.  
> i still do not have a solution so any further advice will be highly
> appropriated.
> ofer

I guess this is about what _type_ of window you want, or "class" of
window in WM jargon, I think. Maybe you just want to use a Gtk::Dialog
instead of a Gtk::Window. Or maybe you need to specify WINDOW_POPUP to
the Window constructor:

murrayc murrayc com

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