gstreamermm gst/ patch

Hi. I found a few lines that needed to be changed in the gst/ file (I think), so I thought I'd submit this patch. Also, I thought the tests/test-create-element should output something if successful so I modified it a bit. Is this fine? I can't check it in so someone might have to do so (Maybe Murray or Milosz?). One other question (maybe someone here can answer): Is the following line (in gst/src/error.hg) valid? If so, what does it mean (I'm referring to the three arguments instead of two like in most other cases)?


Index: gst/
--- gst/	(revision 86)
+++ gst/	(working copy)
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
 EXTRA_DIST = README \ gstmm.h
-gtkmm_includedir      = $(includedir)/gstmm-1.0
-gtkmm_include_DATA  	= gstmm.h
+gstmm_includedir      = $(includedir)/gstmm-1.0
+gstmm_include_DATA  	= gstmm.h
-gtkmm_configdir       = $(libdir)/gstmm-1.0/include
-gtkmm_config_DATA     = gstmmconfig.h
+gstmm_configdir       = $(libdir)/gstmm-1.0/include
+gstmm_config_DATA     = gstmmconfig.h
 pkgconfigdir          = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
 pkgconfig_DATA        = gstmm-1.0.pc
Index: tests/
--- tests/	(revision 86)
+++ tests/	(working copy)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
   Glib::RefPtr<Gst::Element> element = Gst::Element::create("fakesrc", "source");
-  if(!element)
-    std::cout << "Failed to created gst element." << std::endl;
+  if(element)
+    std::cout << "Successfully created gst element '" <<
+      element->get_name() << "'." << std::endl;

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