A Combo box

Hello folks!

OS: MS-Win
g++: 3.4.2
Gtkmm 2.10.11
pkg-config --cflags
-mms-bitfields -IC:/XWin/include/gtkmm-2.4 -IC:/XWin/lib/gtkmm-2.4/include -IC:/XWin/include/glibmm-2.4 -IC:/XWin/lib/glibmm- 2.4/include -IC:/XWin/include/gdkmm-2.4 -IC:/XWin/lib/gdkmm-2.4/include -IC:/XWin/include/pangomm-1.4 -IC:/XWin/include/atkmm-1.6 -IC:/XWin/include/gtk-2.0 -IC:/XWin/include/sigc++-2.0 -IC:/XWin/lib/sigc++-2.0/include -IC:/XWin/include/glib- 2.0 -IC:/XWin/lib/glib-2.0/include -IC:/XWin/lib/gtk-2.0/include -IC:/XWin/include/cairomm-1.0 -IC:/XWin/include/pango-1.0 -IC:/XWin/include/cairo -IC:/XWin/include/freetype2 -IC:/XWin/include -IC:/XWin/include/atk-1.0 

pkg-config --libs
-user32 -Wl,-luuid -LC:/XWin/lib -lgtkmm-2.4 -lgdkmm-2.4 -latkmm-1.6 -lgtk-win32-2.0 -lpangomm-1.4 -lcairomm-1.0 -lglibmm-2.4 -lsigc-2.0 -lgdk-win32-2.0 -lgdi32 -limm32 -lshell32 -lole32 -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lpangowin32-1.0 -lpangocairo-1.0 -lcairo -lpangoft2-1.0 -lfontconfig -lfreetype -lz -lpango-1.0 -lm -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv 

I have a class [Combo] that derives from Gtk::VBox, this class contains a Gtk::Label and a Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText; both of them as pointers. When I just instantiate the object 'Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText [CBETtextBox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText());] and compile the program, the result is a Combo Box (CB) with the expected dimensions (see Combo01.png). Hoever, when I 'add()' it to the class [Combo], I get a taller box and not as appealing as the first one (see Combo02).
Since I am not a expert Gtkmm programmer, in fact this is my first program on my own, I cannot make any educated deduction as to why this is happening, thus I am attaching two HTML files that clearly show my predicament  It is my hope that some-one here will be able to explain to me the cause of this variation.
Thanks in advance.

When in doubt remember that,
"By the Guidance of God, an amateur built The Ark... and that guided by science 'they' built The Titanic!"

Attachment: Combo01.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Combo02.png
Description: PNG image

Title: D:\Samiira\combo.cpp
#include "combo.hpp"
void jme::Combo::Init(){
    if(ustr.empty()){ustr = "unknown";}
    // If the string is empty is because the overloaded constructor was not
    // use. So, the below is a safe statement

    this->lblTitle = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(ustr.data(), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT ));

    CBETtextBox = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ComboBoxEntryText());
    this->add(*CBETtextBox);  // <<-- When I add this line the combox shows
                                // still, only it shows vertically bigger

void jme::Combo::Pack(){
    this->pack_start(*lblTitle,     Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
    this->pack_start(*CBETtextBox,  Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
    this->Init();        // Set up the parameters for the this class widget
    this->Pack();        // Packs up all the widgets
jme::Combo::Combo(const Glib::ustring& title) throw (jme::ComboEx){
    // First step is to deal with the title of the combo box
    if(title.empty()){ this->ustr = "Unknown";}
    this->Init();        // Set up the parameters for the this class widget
    this->Pack();        // Packs up all the widgets
{ }

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