gtkglextmm on Windows

(I thought I'd sent this note a day or more ago, but it hasn't shown up on the list; I apologize should this show up twice.)

I'm trying to build gtkglextmm on Windows from source using MinGW. There's a binary installer for gtkglext, but not for gtkglextmm, alas. I thought I had previously succeeded in building on another Windows machine starting from ./configure --prefix=/mingw, but now I get "g++.exe: : No such file or directory" in the first phase, compiling in tools/extra_defs_gen.

I found instructions on building both gtkglext and gtkglextmm from source: gnome org/msg00213.html

The text describing building gtkglextmm is unfortunately a bit garbled. Also, it says there's an error in line 113 of the Makefile, an extra space in "LDFLAGS = -L /gtk/lib". At my line 113 I just see "LDFLAGS = ". I don't know how to proceed.

Can anyone give me advice on this? If it would be useful, I can supply config.log and the output of make -d.

It would be very nice if gtkglext and gtkglextmm were simply included in gtk and gtkmm.

Bruce Sherwood

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