Re: <gstmm.h> include errors

On Sun, 2007-11-18 at 18:17 +0100, Milosz Derezynski wrote:
> The SVN should be back into the original place now, we were about to
> loose the domain, but it then so happened that we were given it back
> to keep it; it's still at:
> As for the reference, i have almost no explanation why the element
> creation wouldn't work; iit's right what you said with
> > Although the documentation
> >
> > is not explicitly clear about this, newly-created instances usually
> > provide a reference already.
> but the code of creating an element the C++ way is so trivial, that i
> wouldn't know what's wrong there; it's almost already like a testcase
> in itself. I'm not sure if i can get around it this day still but i'll
> try to write some finer grained tests to see what's going on.

Thanks. I don't know enough about gstreamer to write examples, but I can
help to solve problems with examples.

murrayc murrayc com

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