Fwd: Trouble with create_cairo_context

Hello everyone,

I am having some trouble with cairo_create_context(). I am trying to
compile a demo program from the gtkmm tutorial at:
I have installed the latest version of gtkmm: 2.10.10, because I know
that this function has not been around for very long.

Compiling using:
g++ main.cc myarea.cc `pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --libs --cflags`
`pkg-config cairo --libs --cflags`
goes well, but when I try to run the program, I get the error:
./a.out: symbol lookup error: ./a.out: undefined symbol:

Using ldd, I verified that the OS can find the cairo and libgtkmm
libraries. What am I doing wrong? I have compiled all of the gtk
dependencies from source, because the Debian packages are quite

Thanks in advance,

PS. Sorry if this is a repost, I had some trouble posting.

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