Re: glademm : crash generating C++ code under Windows

On 3/26/07, Cyril Delmas <cyril delmas gmail com> wrote:
Hello everybody,

This is my problem : I want to generate C++ code using Glade using glade--
(version 2.6.0) under Windows XP.
It crashes without generating nothing, even if my project only contains a
simple window.

The details are :
AppName: glade--.exe     AppVer:     ModName: msvcrt.dll
ModVer: 7.0.2600.2180     Offset: 000378c0

Using Visual C++ to debug :
Exception at 0x77c178c0 in glade--.exe : 0xC0000005: Access violation at
address 0x00000000.

Has anybody ever seen this before and what is the solution to make it work ?

Thanks in advance.

It's generally recommended to use libglademm instead of generating
code with glademm.  Note that glademm and libglademm are different
projects.  libglademm is on-topic on this list, but glademm is a
separate project and has its own mailing list here:


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