Re: gtkmm Problem loading .glade

On 7/5/07, Xavier Larrode <Xavier Larrode irisa fr> wrote:
Hi all,
I have an application on linux wich is using some .glade files and i'm
trying to port it on windows, on Visual C++ 2005.
Everything compiles fine, but i 've got a problem when i'm  loading the
glade files :

libglade-WARNING : could not find glade file

But my exe is on the same folder than tha and i don't know
why there is some "\xcc\xcc\xcc\xcc\x" before the glade name...
And i'm loading the glade with a Gnome::Glade::Xml::create("");

Any idea ?


Are you also running the program from this directory?  If you specify
a file without a path, I imagine it tries to load the file from the
current working directory.  I don't think it matters where the .exe
file is located.  Does it work if you specify the full path?


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